Friday, February 12, 2010


Well, it has been one of those weeks that leaves no time for blogging. Plus we're heading out for the weekend tomorrow, so there won't be too much time this weekend either. Between caring for the kids by myself for a good 5 days while Brent was sick, to feeling sick myself, to potty training my almost two year old it has been a busy week. I haven't even been cooking too much(since we have the new freezer I stocked up on frozen pizzas and have been taking the lazy approach to cooking). But not for long!! I promise in the next week or so to be really posting some great recipes. In the meantime I've found a product I recommend. We like yogurt around here and I can get it for super cheap on sale with coupons, so this snack is a reasonable one. I have one Popsicle maker that I got at the dollar store a year or so ago, but before we had our freezer we didn't have much space for it. Now that we have our freezer I've been making yogurt Popsicles for the kids and they are LOVING them! I take yogurt that is closing in on the expiration date(I had some since I got over 32 things of yogurt awhile back on sale) and just pour them into these Popsicle mold and stick them in the freezer. The cheapest place I've found a pack that makes more than 4(my dollar store only made 4) is where they are $5 for a pack that makes 8. The possibilities are endless. So far we've made juice pops, root beer float pops(root beer with whip cream mixed in) and I'm thinking of trying out some pudding in them. Great for snacks!!


  1. Do they come out easily? I made some yogurt pops with chunked up fruit bits last summer and I had a stink of a time getting them out. What do you do?

  2. I'll usually run hot water over the bottom of it for a minute or so and give it a twist a couple times and then it slides right out. If you don't run water over them, they are a pill to get out.
